Based on the expert analysis and our database of 1,300+ US industries, IBISWorld presents a list of the Fastest Growing Industries by Imports in the US in 2025
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View a list of the Top 25 fastest growing industries by importsGrowth in Imports for 2025: 64.9%
The Shoe and Footwear Manufacturing industry has experienced difficulties, with revenue decreasing at a CAGR of 0.1% over the past five years, including a decrease of 2.7% to an estimated $2.2 billion in 2023 alone. During the five-year period, the industry has been limited because of sustained import penetration and falling exports, both of which have been influenced by high levels of competition. Furthermore, the coronavirus largely disrupted industry supply chains and destabilized current levels of international trade. The coronavirus has also resulted in unstable macroeconomic conditions, leading to deteriorating domestic demand.
Imports have satisfied a significant share of domestic demand... Learn More
Growth in Imports for 2025: 30.4%
Battery manufacturers produce storage batteries, which are also known as secondary or rechargeable batteries; and primary batteries, which are nonrechargeable. Battery products have a variety of uses in cell phones, medical equipment, households and the automotive and transport sectors. Substantial research and development expenditure has dampened revenue expansion despite boosting exports and consumer spending between 2017 and 2019. COVID-19, however, has hurt consumer spending, pressured exports and disrupted supply chains, resulting in revenue dipping 8.0% in 2020. As demand for electric vehicles (EV) has strengthened, demand for lithium-ion battery packs has swelled in tandem. In response, battery manufacturers have accepted... Learn More
Growth in Imports for 2025: 27.8%
The Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Manufacturing industry has boomed as the use of renewable energy sources surged in popularity. Hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) and electric vehicles (EV), including plug-in electric vehicles (PEV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV), have seen a dramatic rise in sales amid elevated oil and gas prices. With concerns about the environment, new entrants continue to flood in looking to establish market share. New government incentives and infrastructure funding have increased the accessibility of electric and hybrid vehicles domestically. Industry-wide revenue has increased at an annualized 29.6% to $88.8 billion over the past five years, including... Learn More
Growth in Imports for 2025: 23.4%
Over the past five years, the Brand Name Pharmaceutical Manufacturing industry has experienced several new drug launches, with over 28 novel drugs approved in 2022 (latest data available). Given increasing price scrutiny, competition from generics, intensifying market competition among brand-name producers and rising research and development expenses, many manufacturers have shifted their strategic focus to more lucrative therapy areas, such as rare diseases and oncology. As a result, many companies pivoted their pipelines to rare diseases, in which low prescription volumes can be offset by high per-unit costs and benefit from orphan drug exclusivity, which grants longer patent exclusivity in... Learn More
Growth in Imports for 2025: 21.3%
The Medical Adhesives and Sealants Manufacturing industry is made up of companies that manufacture glues and other adhesives used for sealing wounds, repairing ligaments and other medical purposes. Industry products compete with traditional bandages, stitches and other medical supplies. Typically, one of the most significant determinants of demand for medical supplies like these is price. Hospitals will likely choose stitches for sealing a wound if that will be more affordable than a medical adhesive. As a result, industry revenue can be volatile depending on the volatility of input costs. In recent years, industry purchases costs have shifted significantly, creating revenue... Learn More
Growth in Imports for 2025: 16.5%
The 3D printer manufacturing industry has seen significant growth over the past five years, increasing at a CAGR of 14.6% to $7.7 billion, which includes 19.1% growth in 2023 alone. As prices for 3D printers declined, additive manufacturing has become more attractive to both businesses and consumers. The outbreak of COVID-19, which led to massive supply disruptions, has led the public and the government to consider new applications of 3D printing. The Additive Manufacturing (AM) Forward program, launched by the Biden Administration in 2022, focuses on advancing the development and adoption of 3D printing technologies in the US.
Additive manufacturing has... Learn More
Growth in Imports for 2025: 14.3%
Over the five years to 2023, revenue has grown at an annualized rate of 3.9% to $58.7 billion, largely due to rapid demand increases as the COVID-19 pandemic wanes. The fluctuation of raw material prices has affected revenue for chemical manufacturers. In particular, the world price of crude oil grew a staggering 52.5% in 2022 alone, enabling the industry to rebound as it passed off increased costs to consumers. Industry revenue increased 17.6% in 2022 alone. In 2023, revenue is expected to fall 5.8% as the price of oil stabilizes. Industry profit is expected to decrease to 4.3% of... Learn More
Growth in Imports for 2025: 14.2%
Producers of meat alternatives enjoyed growth as producers capitalized on growing consumer trends, like health consciousness and moving away from meat products in general, accounting for environmental- and cost-based decisions. Perhaps most notably, producers have exhibited substantial growth as new companies began operating and competing with one another to satisfy growing consumer demand. Industry-wide revenue has been growing at a CAGR of 16.2% over the past five years and is expected to total $8.5 billion in 2023, when revenue will jump by an estimated 9.4%.
Retailers remain the primary source of growth for producers of meat alternatives. Nonetheless, producers... Learn More
Growth in Imports for 2025: 13.1%
Nonferrous metal refining is highly globalized and closely linked to activity in the construction and manufacturing sectors, along with being heavily influenced by fluctuations in the price of copper and other nonferrous metals, which often reflect cyclical changes in both domestic and global demand. Despite fluctuating demand from downstream markets, the price of copper and nonferrous metals benefited from significant increases for the majority of the five years to 2023, which has benefited the industry as nonferrous metal refiners increased selling prices. Nonferrous metal refining revenue has been expanding at a CAGR of 2.7% over the past five years and... Learn More
Growth in Imports for 2025: 12.8%
The Generic Pharmaceutical Manufacturing industry is a globalized industry that manufactures drugs originally protected by patents. Revenue growth depends on patent expirations, FDA approvals of new drug applications and competition from foreign companies. Over the past five years, revenue has grown at a CAGR of 0.9% to $53.8 billion, which includes a 14.2% increase in 2023 alone. Unlike brand name drug manufacturers, companies in this industry have not benefited much from the COVID-19 pandemic. The main challenge for the industry has been to retain prices at acceptable levels. While prices for branded drugs have risen, prices for generic drugs have... Learn More
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VIEW ARTICLEBased on the expert analysis and our database of 1,300+ US industries, IBISWorld presents a list of the Biggest Industries By Revenue in the US in 2025
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