Enterprise Type: Government Body
What does Albury Wodonga Health do?
Albury Wodonga Health is a Government Body that generates the majority of its income from the Public General Hospitals industry.
In 2022 the company generated total revenue of $407,529,000 including sales and other revenue. In 2022 Albury Wodonga Health had 1,935 employees including employees from all subsidiaries under the company's control.
The Chief Executive of Albury Wodonga Health is Ms Janet Chapman whose official title is Interim Chief Executive Officer. The Chairman of Albury Wodonga Health is Mr Matthew Burke whose official title is Board Chair.
Albury Wodonga Health - Products & Brands
Albury Wodonga Health provides a range of health services to North East Victoria and Southern New South Wales. The agency offers 30 sub-acute beds, 5 intensive care beds, 7 operating theatres, 117 general beds, and 95 mental health beds. Their primary catchment is in Albury and Wodonga, they provide services to their regional catchment areas in Federation, the Greater Hume Shire, Indigo, and Towong, and their specialist catchment areas in the Murray River, the Edward River, Jerilderie, Berrigan, Moira, Lockhart, Tumbarumba, Benalla, Wangaratta, Alpine, and Mansfield. Their specialties and outpatient and allied health services include, but are not limited to:
Acute Geriatrics
Alcohol and Other Drugs
Breast Surgery
Colorectal Surgery
Critical Care
Dialysis Unit
Diagnostic GI Endoscopy
Ear, Nose and Throat
Emergency Medicine
Facio-Maxillary Surgery
Intensive Care
Medical Imaging Services
Medical Oncology
Medical Day Procedures
Mental Health
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Paediatric Medicine and Surgery
Pain Management
Palliative Care
Perioperative Service
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Pre-admission Clinic/Services
Public Health Unit
Rehabilitation Medicine
Renal Medicine
Respiratory Medicine
Trauma Centre
Upper GIT Surgery
Aboriginal Health
Aged Services Emergency Team
Antenatal classes
Cardiac Rehabilitation
Chronic Disease Management
Cognitive, Dementia and Memory Clinic
Community Midwife Program
Community Health and Health Promotion
Community Packages
Community Rehabilitation
Continence Clinic
Dental Outreach and Outpost Services
Diabetes Education
District Nursing
Falls Prevention Service
Fracture Clinic
Health Coordination
High Dependency Unit
Hospital in the Home
Inpatient Allied Health Services
Lymphoedema Service
Meals on Wheels
Occupational Therapy
Pain Management Program
Parents and Babies Service
Pastoral Care
Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation Clinic
Rural Allied Health Team
Social Work
Speech Pathology
Sexual Health
Stomal Therapy
Transition Care Program
Upper Limb and Hand Therapy
Albury Wodonga Health - Key Personnel
Albury Wodonga Health - Financial Statements
Albury Wodonga Health Financial Profit & Loss Account
06/30/2022 |
06/30/2021 |
06/30/2020 |
06/30/2019 |
Sales Revenue |
402,435.0 |
350,345.0 |
327,400.0 |
303,454.0 |
Other Revenue |
Total Revenue |
Cost of Goods Sold |
Depreciation |
R & D Expenditure |
Albury Wodonga Health's Competitive Environment
Albury Wodonga Health operates in the following industries:
Albury Wodonga Health's main competitors:
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Albury Wodonga Health, including registered business details, an enterprise synopsis, SWOT analysis and main brands and products.
Key Personnel
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Albury Wodonga Health
by position type and title.
Enterprise Financials
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Albury Wodonga Health’s financials, including Profit and Loss Account (Revenue, Interest, Profit and Loss, and Audit Fees) and Balance Sheet (Current Assets, Non-Current Assets, Current Liabilities, Non-Current Liabilities, Shareholders’ Equity), as well as Number of Employees, Number of Share on Issue, Market Capitalisation and Earnings per Share where available. Note: we do not provide a full financial details for all company profiles.
Growth & Ratios
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Operating Segments
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Albury Wodonga Health, including Revenue and Assets under each Segment, Industries and Geographic Locations
Albury Wodonga Health
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Competitor Benchmarking
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Major Shareholders
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Albury Wodonga Health.
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Albury Wodonga Health’s associated companies, holding company, joint ventures and trusts, both domestic and international.
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Albury Wodonga Health, including founding information, past announcements, mergers and major projects.
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The profile on BHP Group Limited includes:
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