Enterprise Type: Government Body
What does City of Joondalup do?
City of Joondalup is a Government Body that generates the majority of its income from the Local Government Administration industry.
In 2022 the company generated total revenue of $157,056,000 including sales and other revenue. In 2022 City of Joondalup had 632 employees including employees from all subsidiaries under the company's control.
The Chief Executive of City of Joondalup is Mr James Pearson whose official title is Chief Executive Officer. The Chairman of City of Joondalup is Mr Albert Jacob whose official title is Mayor.
City of Joondalup - Products & Brands
The City of Joondalup is located in north Perth, covering 98.9 square kilometres, and governs approximately 16,000 people across 22 suburbs. The services provided by the City of Joondalup are as follows:
Governance and Leadership: including audit and risk, human resources, governance support, record keeping, communications and stakeholder relations, customer service, information technology, organisational development, and policy, planning and research.
Financial Sustainability: including financial accounting, management accounting, purchasing and contracts, funds management, rates levying, grants management, strategic infrastructure asset management, building design and construction, property management, building maintenance, fleet management and mechanical workshop.
Quality Urban Environment: including landscape design and capital works programs, engineering maintenance, parks maintenance, lighting, transport, traffic and road safety, civil design and construction, technical design support services, building approvals, building and planning compliance, planning approvals, environmental health, urban design and planning policy, and parking management.
Economic Prosperity, Vibrancy and Growth: including major project deliveries such as Ocean Reef Marina, City Centre Development, cafes, kiosks and restaurants, Edgewater Quarry Master Plan, Heathridge Park Master Plan, Land Optimisation, and general economic development.
The Natural Environment: including environmental planning and development, conservation and natural area management, waste management, and litter collection.
Community Wellbeing: including library lending, library services, events and programs, community development programs, youth services, immunisation programs, cultural events, visual arts, arts development, leisure centres, recreation services, leisure planning, city rangers, community safety, and emergency management.
City of Joondalup - Key Personnel
City of Joondalup - Financial Statements
City of Joondalup Financial Profit & Loss Account
06/30/2022 |
06/30/2021 |
06/30/2020 |
06/30/2019 |
Sales Revenue |
141,637.0 |
139,340.0 |
143,383.0 |
143,031.0 |
Other Revenue |
Total Revenue |
Cost of Goods Sold |
Depreciation |
R & D Expenditure |
City of Joondalup's Competitive Environment
City of Joondalup operates in the following industries:
City of Joondalup's main competitors:
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Enterprise Details
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City of Joondalup, including registered business details, an enterprise synopsis, SWOT analysis and main brands and products.
Key Personnel
We outline the key personnel at
City of Joondalup
by position type and title.
Enterprise Financials
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City of Joondalup’s financials, including Profit and Loss Account (Revenue, Interest, Profit and Loss, and Audit Fees) and Balance Sheet (Current Assets, Non-Current Assets, Current Liabilities, Non-Current Liabilities, Shareholders’ Equity), as well as Number of Employees, Number of Share on Issue, Market Capitalisation and Earnings per Share where available. Note: we do not provide a full financial details for all company profiles.
Growth & Ratios
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City of Joondalup’s performance, with key financial ratios and data on financial growth.
Operating Segments
Understand the main operating divisions of
City of Joondalup, including Revenue and Assets under each Segment, Industries and Geographic Locations
City of Joondalup
operates in.
Competitor Benchmarking
City of Joondalup’s financial ratios and growth to peers in their industries of operation for a clearer picture of performance.
Major Shareholders
We outline the ultimate parent and largest shareholders of
City of Joondalup.
View a list of
City of Joondalup’s associated companies, holding company, joint ventures and trusts, both domestic and international.
Find out more about the history and background of
City of Joondalup, including founding information, past announcements, mergers and major projects.
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The profile on BHP Group Limited includes:
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